Smells are dually nourishing and noxious, granting us access to the subtle dimensions of affect, geopolitical and environmental shifts, and aberrant social orders. This class intends on activating an awareness of the underbelly of scent—studying olfaction critically from a decolonial ecologically and socially engaged lens in order to unravel all it has to teach us.
In this workshop, we will be focusing on three main nodes of critical olfaction, and taking three 2-hour modules to hone in on each of them:
● Embodied Knowledges + Magic | May 7, 2025
We will look into the origins of perfumery in pre-colonial times and beyond Europe, opening ourselves up to expanded practices of fragrance that thread ritual, magic, and an organismic relationship with Earth. We will also ascertain how these forms of knowledge have been suppressed through epistemicide, Rationalism, and cultural hegemony.
● The Reign of Taste | May 14, 2025
In this unit, we will question the embeddedness of taste and pleasure in the webs of historical and ongoing colonial projects that entangle the material flows of sensory delights (including fragrance) into systems of planetary subjugation and the peripheralization of the Global South and the “East” (as theorized by Edward Saïd).
● Miasmas + Errant Orders | May 21, 2025
Finally, we will investigate how fragrance has been deployed as a tool to minoritize people, implement segregationist policies, and reify division through instances of environmental injustice and the weaponization of atmospherics in acts of war and subjugation.
This workshop will have automated closed captions. If you require automated translation, please contact us.
Cloud Atlas (1930)
5.7, 5.14 + 5.21.2025 | Zoom
agustine zegers (b. Santiago, Chile) is an olfactory artist and student of atmospheric biopolitics. Their work attends to the tangled transcorporealities we share as inhabitants of Earth, offering forms of communion with ecological collapse at the scale of the molecule and breath. They have presented, scented, and exhibited at venues such as: The Venice Biennale, Dia:Art Foundation, Sharjah Art Foundation, MAC Parque Forestal, Prairie, and the XE Institute. agustine directs Speculative Scent Lab and agar olfactory.
● Q. I can’t make it to the workshop, will you provide a recording?
A. I will provide an asynchronous recording for participants who can’t make it to the zoom after each class. Just let us know if you can’t make it to the workshop time by leaving a note on your order or emailing us at
● Q. Do I need to know anything about olfactory practice or theory to participate?
A. No! This workshop is designed for people at all levels of familiarity with the olfactory. We will, however, be engaging heavily with theory, so familiarity with the environmental humanities, postcolonial studies, and cultural critique are welcome.
● Q. Will I have a lot of coursework or reading?
A: I will be providing an abundance of resources and reading materials, all of which will be optional. The course can be enjoyed without directly reading the materials, but will be greatly enriched by any engagement with the texts shared.
● Q. How do I select my sliding scale tier?
A. Our three sliding scale tiers are designed to expand access as well as give an opportunity for participants with economic privilege to support this work’s longevity. Some things you may consider are: Do you have disposable income? Do you have to support your kin materially or consider immigration expenses in your budget? Do you receive support from family, have a comfortable salary, or passive income? Please note that tier 2 denotes the true cost of the course.
● Q. Are there scholarships available?
We will have two scholarships available as a way to provide access to those who face systemic barriers to financial ease and educational opportunities. Please contact us at for more details.